Each year, sometimes two times a year, a whole flock of fans go to an event at the convention center of the city. The passer may find this a little strange - to see people with blue hair or use large foam accessories. That is, until they are forty men playing football animal costumes in all rule (the pets).
I had the pleasure of attending some of these conventions - and definitely had a way to tell those who had never been before. The glazed look, more of "what on earth is happening?" is evident in their faces like a crowd of teenagers doing "cosplay" pass.
Therefore, the burning question in your mind can be, "what is cosplay?" and "why is my son, daughter, brother, sister, grandparent or interested in this?"
Let's take a step back and examine the word "cosplay". Cosplay is a word coined by the Japanese formed the words "costume" and "play". Cosplay culture behind people dress is often self-made costume with accessories to show a small community of people who are also interested in participating in cosplay - or watch others do cosplay. These designs can range from simple building linen dress and foam participation, the ornate artwork. Some cosplay participants to "play the role", while in the locker room - making sure not acting unusual. In larger venues, there will be an event "with" (the convention) in which participants will be judged on their costumes - the better to win a prize.
A common misconception is that people are doing cosplay only in Japanese characters. Cosplayers gather many are inspired by a variety of sources: film, art, historical figures, the viral media of the Internet, and animation from around the world - not just Japanese animation. As time passes, cosplay conventions are starting to look more and more like a Halloween masquerade ball than anything else - showing a wide range of diversity of inspiration.